Sunday, June 10, 2012

06/09/12 Princeton Wildlife Refuge

I jumped on my motorcycle and headed to Princeton, IA with my camera.  The Iowa Audubon site lists the Princeton Wildlife Refuge as a spot for bird watching.  Princeton is a very small town so I didn't bring any specific directions to the wildlife refuge.  After cruising the river road to a dead end in each direction and not finding it, I was temporarily lost.  Thanks to modern technology I found directions on my phone and discovered that it's actually north of Princeton about half way to Folletts, IA down a road called 280th Street.

It turns out 280th street is a dirt road.  Not gravel, just dirt.  Did I mention I was on my motorcycle?  It looked smooth and fairly well packed so I headed down 280th street.  It didn't take long to realize it wasn't well packed and was more like sand than dirt.  Less than half way down the road I almost lost the bike and decided I should turn around.  The Princeton Wildlife Refuge will have to wait.

I'll bring four wheels next time.

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